/Have you ever had an idea that you wanted to research but didn’t have a quant?/
/Join DSData. /
/DSData a service offered by @DanielSimonyi and @dampedspring that offers Daniel’s incredible ability to utilize Bloomberg and other data sources and Andy’s framework to dig deeper and richen the DS alpha experience while also providing subscribers with a place to collaborate with Daniel and Andy to explore the Damped Spring framework and the data for their own bespoke questions./
/For a yearly membership you will be able to ask a quarterly research question that Andy will help you form using the Damped Spring framework and Daniel will deliver. All you have to be willing to do is allow us to share the output with the rest of the DS community. /
/The good news is that even if you don’t have questions your membership will allow you access to the rest of the communities questions and answers. You can engage or lurk. /
/For those of you with access to Bloomberg the work we do will also allow you to incorporate the answers to repeat and refresh real time. For those without Bloomberg we will keep a library of stuff to refresh when asked. /
/DSData will be a community of people looking for the truth and sharing amongst each other guided by Daniel and Andy and focused on data. Subscribers will have access to the archive of data that we produce on a special corner of the Damped Spring website and will have access to an interactive private room on X. /
Space is Limited – Secure your spot and discover the edge you’ve been looking for.
If you are already a Damped Spring Member Please visit the Alpha Page.
Join DSData – 1000 per year – https://dampedspring.com/register/ds-data/
Join DSData and DS Read – 2800 per year – https://dampedspring.com/register/ds-read-data/
Join DSData, DS Read, and DSMMA – 4000 per year – https://dampedspring.com/register/ds-alpha-read-ds-data-ds-mma/
*Note if you would like to subscribe to other services on a shorter time frame you can do so and add DSData as an additional subscription.*